UPSC IFS Main 2024 Admit Card: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the Indian Forest Services (IFS) Mains admit card 2024. The candidates who are going to appear for the same can visit the official website i.e. or to download their hall tickets.

The applicants may note that they will have to print their hall tickets along with a photo ID card at the allotted venue to appear for the examination. The Main exam will be conducted from 24 November to 1 December 2024 in two shifts i.e. from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon and 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
The exam paper will comprise six descriptive papers, including General English and General Knowledge, and two optional subjects selected from a designated list. Paper 1 and paper 2 will be 300 marks, and the remaining papers will be 200 marks.
The candidates will have two hours to complete the exam. For Papers 3, 4, 5, and 6 candidates will have to choose two optional subjects from the approved list avoiding the combination of certain subjects as recommended in the official notification.

Source: Freepik
The applicants may note that they will have to print their hall tickets along with a photo ID card at the allotted venue to appear for the examination. The Main exam will be conducted from 24 November to 1 December 2024 in two shifts i.e. from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon and 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
The exam paper will comprise six descriptive papers, including General English and General Knowledge, and two optional subjects selected from a designated list. Paper 1 and paper 2 will be 300 marks, and the remaining papers will be 200 marks.
The candidates will have two hours to complete the exam. For Papers 3, 4, 5, and 6 candidates will have to choose two optional subjects from the approved list avoiding the combination of certain subjects as recommended in the official notification.
UPSC IFS Main 2024 Admit Card: How to download?
Firstly, candidates need to visit the official website i.e.
Then click on the admit card link available on the home page.
Enter your login credentials and click on submit.
The admit card will be displayed on the screen of the candidate.
After viewing, download the same.
The candidates can take a printout for future reference.
UPSC IFS Main 2024 Admit Card: Exam schedule
Firstly, candidates need to visit the official website i.e.
Then click on the admit card link available on the home page.
Enter your login credentials and click on submit.
The admit card will be displayed on the screen of the candidate.
After viewing, download the same.
The candidates can take a printout for future reference.
UPSC IFS Main 2024 Admit Card: Exam schedule
Date & Day | Forenoon Session (9.00 AM to 12.00 Noon) | Afternoon Session (2.30 PM to 5.30 PM) |
November 24 | General English | General Knowledge |
November 25 | No paper ( Rest day ) | No paper ( Rest day ) |
November 26 | Mathematics Paper-I/ Statistics Paper-I/ Zoology Paper -I | Mathematics Paper-II/ Statistics Paper-II/ Zoology Paper–II |
November 27 | Civil Engineering Paper –I / Botany Paper- I | Civil Engineering Paper- II/ Botany Paper- II |
November 28 | Agricultural Engineering Paper –I / Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Paper- I/ Physics Paper- I | Agricultural Engineering Paper -II/ Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Paper-II/ Physics Paper- II |
November 29 | Agriculture Paper- I/ Forestry Paper- I | Agriculture Paper- II/ Forestry Paper –II |
November 30 | Geology Paper- I | Geology Paper- II |
December 1 | Chemistry Paper- I/ Chemical Engineering Paper –I/ Mechanical Engineering Paper –I | Chemistry Paper- I/ Chemical Engineering Paper –I/ Mechanical Engineering Paper –I |