Syllabus for CUET Political Science

Safalta Expert Published by: Gaurav Bawa Updated Sat, 03 Sep 2022 01:07 AM IST


CUET 2022 is being held for the first time in 2022 for a large number of central institutions for admissions to the academic year 2022-23.

CUET 2022 is being held for the first time in 2022 for a large number of central institutions for admissions to the academic year 2022-23. Political science is the scientific investigation of politics. It is a social science that investigates governance and power structures, as well as political activities, political ideas, and political conduct, as well as the laws and constitutions that regulate them.If you are interested to know more about CUET exam preparation, you can visit our CUET Preparation Programs Here. 


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#CUET Political Science Syllabus 2022
#How to Prepare for the CUET Political Science Syllabus?


CUET Political Science Syllabus 2022

CUET Political Science syllabus has two major parts with a total of 19 units. These parts are Politics in India Since Independence with 10 units and Contemporary World Politics with 9 units. All these 19 units are an integral part of the CUET Exam for political science and are expected to have an equal weightage. Students should give equal attention to each of these two parts for succeeding in the examination.

CUET Political Science Syllabus 2022 Unit - Wise 
To get a comprehensive understanding of CUET Political Science, you need go through all of the unit-wise subjects. This will ultimately aid you in passing the actual exam. The age of one-party dominance, India's external relations, the rise of new social movements, US dominance in world politics, and other significant topics for the CUET test



Politics in India Since Independence

1. The era of One-Party Dominance

First three general elections, the nature of Congress dominance at the national level, uneven dominance at the state level, coalitional nature of Congress. Major opposition parties.

2. Nation-Building and Its Problems

Nehru’s approach to nation-building: Legacy of partition: the challenge of ‘refugee’ resettlement, the Kashmir problem. Organization and reorganization of states; Political conflicts over language

3. Politics of Planned Development

Five-year plans, expansion of state sector, and the rise of new economic interests. Famine and suspension of five-year plans. Green revolution and its political fallouts.

4. India’s External Relations

Nehru’s foreign policy. Sino-Indian war of 1962, Indo-Pak war of 1965 and 1971. India’s nuclear program and shifting alliances in world politics.

5. Challenge to and Restoration of Congress System

Political succession after Nehru. NonCongressism and electoral upset of 1967, Congress split and reconstitution, Congress’ victory in 1971 elections, politics of ‘garibi hatao’.

6. Crisis of the Constitutional Order

Search for ‘committed’ bureaucracy and judiciary. Navnirman movement in Gujarat and the Bihar movement. Emergency: context, constitutional and extra-constitutional dimensions, resistance to emergency. 1977 elections and the formation of the Janata Party. Rise of civil liberties organizations.

7. Regional Aspirations and Conflicts

Rise of regional parties. Punjab crisis and the anti-Sikh riots of 1984. The Kashmir situation. Challenges and responses in the North East.

8. Rise of New Social Movements

Farmers’ movements, Women’s movements, Environment, and Development-affected people’s movements. Implementation of Mandal Commission report and its aftermath.

9. Democratic Upsurge and Coalition Politics

Participatory upsurge in the 1990s. Rise of the JD and the BJP. The increasing role of regional parties and coalition politics. UF and NDA governments. Elections 2004 and UPA government.

10. Recent Issues and Challenges

Challenge of and responses to globalization: new economic policy and its opposition. Rise of OBCs in North Indian politics. Dalit politics in the electoral and non-electoral arena. Challenge of communalism: Ayodhya dispute, Gujarat riots.

Contemporary World Politics

1. Cold War Era in World Politics:

The emergence of two power blocs after the second world war. Arenas of the cold war. Challenges to Bipolarity: Non-Aligned Movement, the quest for new international economic order. India and the cold war.

2. Disintegration of the ‘Second World’ and the Collapse of Bipolarity: 

New entities in
world politics: Russia, Balkan states, and, Central Asian states, Introduction of democratic
politics and capitalism in post-communist regimes. India’s relations with Russia and other
post-communist countries.

3. US Dominance in World Politics

Growth of unilateralism: Afghanistan, first Gulf War, response to 9/11 and attack on Iraq. Dominance and challenge to the US in economy and ideology. India’s renegotiation of its relationship with the USA

4. Alternative Centres of Economic and Political Power: 

Rise of China as an economic power in post- Mao era, creation, and expansion of the European Union, ASEAN. India’s changing relations with China

5. South Asia in the Post-Cold War Era

Democratization and its reversals in Pakistan and Nepal. Ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. Impact of 6. International Organisations in a Unipolar World economic globalization on the region. Conflicts and efforts for peace in South Asia. India’s relations with its neighbors

6. International Organisations in a Unipolar World

Restructuring and the future of the UN. India’s position in the restructured UN. Rise of new international actors: new international economic organizations, NGOs. How democratic and accountable are the new institutions of global governance? 

7. Security in Contemporary World

Traditional concerns of security and politics of disarmament. Non-traditional or human security: global poverty, health, and education. Issues of human rights and migration.

8. Environment and Natural Resources in Global Politics

Environment movement and evolution of global environmental norms. Conflicts over traditional and common property resources. Rights of indigenous people. India’s stand-in global environmental debates.

9. Globalisation and Its Critics

Economic, cultural, and political manifestations. Debates on the nature of consequences of globalization. Anti-globalization movements. India is an arena of globalization and struggles against it.

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How to Prepare for the CUET Political Science Syllabus?

Examine the CUET Political Science preparation ideas offered below to help you improve and thrive in your CUET preparation and test. The most significant Political Science domain preparation is as follows.
  • Examine the CUET curriculum in detail, breaking it down into pieces and completely dissecting it to acquire a thorough knowledge. This will allow you to arrange your preparations more effectively.
  • Make a Preparation Schedule, then finalize and adhere to it. You must first construct a study plan before you begin studying for the exam.
  • Examine the vocabulary and jargon used in Political Science. They may potentially appear as a question type in the CUET 2022.
  • Candidates should plan ahead of time and devote sufficient time to each subject.
  • Passing the CUET 2022 Political Science test requires a great amount of preparation. As a result, practice is essential.
Yes, an ordinary student may pass CUET 2023 if he or she is willing to work hard and consistently in the remaining period.
The CUET Exam 2022 Exam can be taken as many times as you like.
No, students must appear for the exam at CUET exam centers in 2022. If they do not clear, their application will be denied.
Students who have completed the Class 12 board syllabus will perform well in the CUET UG 2022.

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