English Language Quiz (One Word Substitution)- 28-March-2022

Updated Mon, 28 Mar 2022 09:51 AM IST

Directions : In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentence

Source: English Quiz

1. The practise of having many wives.
(a) bigamy
(b) calligraphy
(c) polygamy
(d) polyandry

2. Take great pleasure.
(a) revel
(b) satisfied
(c) uphold
(d) overhaul

3. A strong dislike.
(a) reciprocity
(b) entreaty
(c) animosity
(d) malice

4. A frog lives both on land as well as in water.
(a) animate
(b) amphibian
(c) aquatic
(d) ambidexterous

5. The Mahabharata is a long poem based on a noble theme.
(a) summary
(b) story
(c) narration
(d) epic

6. A person who abstains completely from alcoholic drinks.
(a) teetotaller
(b) derelict
(d) incriminatory

7. Person who files a suit.
(a) charger
(b) suitor
(c) plaintiff
(d) accuser

8. One who offers his service of his own freewill
(a) worker
(b) slave
(c) volunteer
(d) servant 

9. One who is always doubting
(a) sceptic
(b) deist
(c) rationalist
(d) positivist

10. A collection of slaves
(a) coffle
(b) crew
(c) company
(d) cortege


Ans 1: (a)prosperity (Noun) : the state of being successful; affluence
adversity (Noun) : a difficult/ unpleasant situation
animosity (N.) : a strong feeling of opposition, anger/hatred

2 (d) willing (Adj.) : ready; having no reason for not doing something
reluctant (Adj.) : hesitating before doing some thing. 

3 (d) temporary (Adj.) : lasting for a short time; not permanent
 immortal (Adj.) : that lives or lasts for ever; eternal; permanent.

4. (b) disperse (V) = to spread over a wide area; scatter.
focus (V.) : to give attention, effort to one particular subject etc; link.

5. (c) novice (N) : a person who is new and has little experience in a job.
veteran (N) : a person who has a lot of experience in a particular area.

6. (d) superfluous (Adj.) : unnecessary; more than you need or want ; excess.
essential (Adj.) : necessary, vital.

7 (c) Necessary imbalance (N) : no same treatment with two or more things; no equilibrium.
equilibrium (N) : a state of balance; a calm state of mind.

8. (b) opaque (Adj.) : not clear enough to see through or allow light through; not clear.
transparent (Adj.) : allowing you to see through; obvious.

9. (b) dissent (Noun) : expressing opinions different from accepted
consent (Noun) : agreement about something
resent (V.) : to feel bitter/angry about something, especially because you feel it is unfair

10. (b) spiritual (Adj.) : connected with the human spirit, rather than the body or physical things.
carnal (Adj.) : connected with the body or with sex.

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