English Language Quiz (Active and Passive voice )- 25-February -2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Fri, 25 Feb 2022 02:42 PM IST

Direction : In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive Voice

Source: English Quiz

1. Mr. Sen asked him a question.
(a) He was asked a question Mr. Sen.
(b) He was asked a question to Mr. Sen.
(c) He was asked a question by Mr. Sen.
(d) A question was being asked by Mr. Sen.

2. People speak English all over the world.
(a) English is spoken all over the world.
(b) English was spoken all over the world.
(c) English was spoken by people.
(d) English is spoken by people.

3. The teacher punished the boys who had not done their home work.
(a) The boys who had not done their homework had been punished by their teacher.
(b) The boys were punished by their teacher who had not done their homework.
(c) The boys who had not done their homework were punished by the teacher.
(d) The boys who had not done their homework were being punished by the teacher.

4. The Principal has granted him a scholarship.
(a) A scholarship has granted to him by the Principal.
(b) He has been granted a scholarship by the Principal.
(c) He has granted a scholarship by the Principal.
(d) A scholarship was granted to him by the Principal.

5. Somebody told me that there had been an explosion in the Town Hall.
(a) I was told by somebody about the explosion in the Town Hall.
(b) I was told about the explosion in the Town Hall.
(c) I was informed that there was an explosion in the Town Hall.
(d) I was told by somebody that there had been an explosion in the Town Hall.

6. Circumstances will oblige me to go.
(a) I will oblige the circumstances and go.
(b) I shall be obliged to go by the circumstances.
(c) Under the circumstances, I should go.
(d) I would be obliged by the circumstances to go.

7. We waste much time on trifles.
(a) Much time was wasted on trifles.
(b) Much time will be wasted on trifles.
(c) Much time is wasted by us on trifles.
(d) Much time is wasted on trifles.

8. Mohan gave the beggar an old shirt.
(a) An old shirt was given to Mohan by the beggar.
(b) An old shirt was given to the beggar by Mohan.
(c) The beggar was gave an old shirt by Mohan.
(d) An old shirt was gave to the beggar by Mohan

9.They have made him a king.
(a) A king has been made by him.
(b) He was made a king by them.
(c) They have been made kings by him.
(d) He has been made a king by them.

10. Who taught you English ?
(a) By whom English was taught to you ?
(b) By whom you were taught English ?
(c) By whom was English taught to you ?
(d) By whom are you taught English ?


Ans -1(c)  He was asked a question by Mr. Sen.

2. (a)  English is spoken all over the world.

3  (c)  The boys who had not done their homework were punished by the teacher.

4. (b) He has been granted a scholarship by the Principal.

5. (d) I was told by somebody that there had been an explosion in the Town Hall.

6 (b) I shall be obliged to go by the circumstances.

7. (c) Much time is wasted by us on trifles.

8. (b) An old shirt was given to the beggar by Mohan.

9. (d) He has been made a king by them.
10.(a)  By whom English was taught to you ?

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