CUET Computer Science Syllabus, Download Free Here!

Safalta Expert Published by: Gaurav Bawa Updated Thu, 25 Aug 2022 01:16 AM IST


CUET Syllabus for Computer Science 2022: CUET, earlier known as CUCET, is a centralized entrance test for universities.

CUET is one of the most significant exams of the year Section II includes various topics, including computer science (Domain Specific Subject). Computer science is the discipline dedicated to the study of computing, automation, and information. The CUET computer science curriculum covers both theoretical and applied topics. Because it is an area of academic study, computer science differs from computer programming.

Table Of Content 
#Best Books For CUET Computer Science Textbooks 
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#Unit-Wise CUET Computer Science Syllabus
#CUET Computer Science Syllabus PDF
#CUET Computer Science Syllabus 2022

CUET Computer Science Syllabus 2022

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The CUET Computer Science Syllabus 2022 has 2 modules in total. Each of these two units, or sections, has multiple sub-sections that are equally as important in the paper. Section-A is used to refer to Unit 1 and Section-B1 and Section-B2 respectively for Unit 2. Each unit has some sort of connection to the others. The learner should completely and efficiently study each of these subjects. The applicant should devote the same amount of time and attention to each of these parts of the CUET CS Syllabus.
If you are interested to know more about CUET exam preparation, you can visit our CUET Preparation Programs Here. 

CUET Computer Science Syllabus PDF

Download the CUET Computer Science Syllabus PDF by going to the official website cuet samarth ac in. This may, however, seem like a challenging task. Instead, you may quickly and conveniently download the syllabus by clicking on the direct link provided below.


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Unit-Wise CUET Computer Science Syllabus

If the topic list is not divided into sections, it may be challenging to grasp the CUET Computer Science Syllabus. Important subjects include database principles, SQL, networks, the CUET CS syllabus, and the topics covered are displayed in the table below.





Exception and File Handling in Python

Exception Handling: syntax errors, exceptions, need for exception handling, user-defined exceptions, raising exceptions, handling exceptions, catching exceptions, Try - except - else clause, Try - finally clause, recovering and continuing with finally, built-in exception classes.

File Handling: text file and binary file, file types, open and close files, reading and writing text files, reading and writing binary files using pickle module, file access modes.

Database Concepts

Introduction to database concepts, the difference between database and file system, relational data model: the concept of the domain, tuple, relation, keys - candidate key, primary key, alternate key, foreign key; 

Relational algebra: selection, projection, union, set difference, and cartesian product; 

Structured Query Language

Advantages of using Structured Query Language, Data Definition Language, Data Query Language, and Data Manipulation Language, Introduction to MySQL, Creating a database using MySQL, Data Types


Data Manipulation: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Math functions: POWER (), ROUND (), MOD ().

Text functions: UCASE ()/UPPER (), LCASE ()/LOWER (), MID ()/SUBSTRING ()/SUBSTR (), LENGTH (), LEFT (), RIGHT (), INSTR (), LTRIM (), RTRIM (), TRIM ().

Date Functions: NOW (), DATE (), MONTH (), MONTH NAME (), YEAR (), DAY (), DAY NAME ().

Aggregate Functions: MAX (), MIN (), AVG (), SUM (), COUNT (); using COUNT (*). Querying and manipulating data using Group by, Having, Order by.

Operations on Relations - Union, Intersection, Minus, Cartesian Product, JOIN

Computer Networks

Introduction to computer networks, Evolution of networking, 

Network types: LAN, WAN, MAN

Network devices: Modem, Ethernet Card, Repeater, Hub, Switch, Router, Gateway. Network Topologies: Mesh, Ring, Bus, Star, and Tree topologies

The basic concept of MAC and IP Address Difference between Internet and web section section


Chapter 1: Exception and File Handling in Python

Exception Handling: syntax errors, exceptions, need for exception handling, user-defined exceptions, raising exceptions, handling exceptions, catching exceptions, Try - except - else clause, Try - finally clause, recovering and continuing with finally, built-in exception classes.

File Handling: text file and binary file, file types, open and close files, reading and writing text files, reading and writing binary files using pickle module, file access modes.

Chapter 2: Stack

Stack (List Implementation): Introduction to stack (LIFO Operations), operations on the stack (PUSH and POP), and its implementation in python. Expressions in Prefix, Infix, and postfix notations, evaluating arithmetic expressions using stack, conversion of Infix expression to postfix expression chapter chapter chapter chapter

Chapter 3: Queue

Queue (List Implementation): Introduction to Queue (FIFO), Operations on Queue (INSERT and DELETE), and its implementation in Python.

Chapter 4: Searching

Searching: Sequential search, Binary search, Analysis of Sequential and Binary Search. Dry run to identify best, worst, and average cases. Implementation of searching techniques in Python.

Chapter 5: Sorting

Overview of sorting techniques, Bubble sorting, Selection Sort, and Insertion Sort. Dry run to identify best, worst, and average cases. Implementation of sorting techniques in Python.

Chapter 6: Understanding Data

Data and its purpose, collection, and organization; understanding data using statistical methods: mean, median, standard deviation, variance; data interpretation; visualization of data.

Chapter 7: Database Concepts

Introduction to database concepts, the difference between database and file system, relational data model: the concept of the domain, tuple, relation, keys - candidate key, primary key, alternate key, foreign key;

Chapter 8: Structured Query Language

Advantages of using Structured Query Language, Data Definition Language, Data Query Language, and Data Manipulation Language, Introduction to MySQL, Creating a database using MySQL, Data Types

Text functions: UCASE ()/UPPER (), LCASE ()/LOWER (), MID ()/SUBSTRING ()/SUBSTR (), LENGTH (), LEFT (), RIGHT (), INSTR (), LTRIM (), RTRIM (), TRIM ().

Date Functions: NOW (), DATE (), MONTH (), MONTH NAME (), YEAR (), DAY (), DAY NAME ().

Aggregate Functions: MAX (), MIN (), AVG (), SUM (), COUNT (); using COUNT (*). Querying and manipulating data using Group by, Having, Order by.

Operations on Relations - Union, Intersection, Minus, Cartesian Product, JOIN

Chapter 9: Computer Networks

Introduction to computer networks, Evolution of networking, 

Network types: LAN, WAN, MAN

Network devices: Modem, Ethernet Card, Repeater, Hub, Switch, Router, Gateway. Network Topologies: Mesh, Ring, Bus, Star, and Tree topologies

The basic concept of MAC and IP Address Difference between Internet and web section section


Chapter 1: Database Query using SQL

Math functions: POWER (), ROUND (), MOD ().

Text functions: UCASE ()/UPPER (), LCASE ()/LOWER (), MID ()/SUBSTRING ()/SUBSTR (), LENGTH (), LEFT (), RIGHT (), INSTR (), LTRIM (), RTRIM (), TRIM ().

Date Functions: NOW (), DATE (), MONTH (), MONTH NAME (), YEAR (), DAY NAME DAYNAME ().

Aggregate Functions: MAX (), MIN (), AVG (), SUM (), COUNT (); using COUNT (*). Querying and manipulating data using Group by, Having, Order by.

Operations on Relations - Union, Intersection, Minus, Cartesian Product, JOIN

Chapter 2: Data Handling using Pandas – introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction

Introduction to Python libraries- Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib. Data structures in Pandas - Series and Data Frames.

Series: Creation of Series from – an array, dictionary, scalar value; mathematical operations; Head and Tail functions; Selection, Indexing, and Slicing.

Data Frames: creation - from the dictionary of Series, list of dictionaries, Text/CSV files; display; iteration; Operations on Rows and columns: add, select, delete, rename; Head and Tail functions; Indexing using Labels, Boolean Indexing; Styling & Formatting data, Head and Tail functions; Joining, Merging and Concatenations.

Importing/Exporting Data between CSV files and Data Frames.

Chapter 3: Data Handling using Pandas – II

Descriptive Statistics: max, min, count, sum, mean, median, mode, quartile, Standard deviation, variance.

DataFrame operations: Aggregation, group by, Sorting, Deleting and Renaming Index, Pivoting. Handling missing values – dropping and filling.

Importing/Exporting Data between MySQL database and Pandas.

Chapter 4: Plotting Data using Matplotlib

Purpose of plotting; drawing and saving the following types of plots using Matplotlib – line plot, bar graph, histogram, pie chart, frequency polygon, box plot, and scatter plot.

Customizing plots: color, style (dashed, dotted), width; adding label, title, and legend in plots.

Chapter 5: Introduction to Computer Networks

Introduction to Networks, Types of networks: LAN, MAN, WAN. Network Devices: modem, hub, switch, repeater, router, gateway Network Topologies: Star, Bus, Tree, Mesh.

Introduction to Internet, URL, WWW, and its applications- Web, email, Chat, VoIP.

Website: Introduction, the difference between a website and webpage, static vs dynamic web page, web server, and hosting of a website.

Web Browsers: Introduction, commonly used browsers, browser settings, add-ons and plug-ins, cookies.

Chapter 6: Societal Impacts

Digital footprint, Etiquettes for Net surfing and for communicating through social media, data protection, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and their violation, plagiarism licensing and copyrights, Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), Cybercrime and cyber laws, hacking, phishing, cyberbullying, Overview of Indian IT Act, preventing cybercrime. 

E-waste is a hazard and management chapter chachapter chapterhapter

Chapter 10: Data Communication

Awareness about health concerns related to the usage of technology like effect on eyesight, physiological issues, and ergonomic aspects.

Concept of communication, Types of Data Communication, techniques of communication communication

Communication Media: Wired Technologies – Twisted pair cable, Co-axial cable, Ethernet Cable, Optical Fibre; 

Introduction to mobile telecommunication technologies Wireless Technologies – Bluetooth, WLAN, Infrared, Microwave

Network Protocol: Need for Protocol, Categorization, and Examples of protocol, HTTP, FTP, IP, PPP; electronic mail protocol

Chapter 11: Security Aspects

Concept of Channel, Bandwidth (Hz, kHz, MHz), and Data Transfer rate (bps, Kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Tbps)

Threats and prevention: Viruses, Worms, Trojan horses, Spam, Cookies, Adware, Firewall, HTTP vs HTTPS

Network Security Concepts: Firewall, Cookies, Hackers, and Crackers Antivirus and their workingnetwork network

Network security threats: Denial of service, Intrusion problems, Snooping, Eavesdropping


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Best Books For CUET Computer Science Textbooks 

CUET books are crucial for passing the exam. Students are urged to construct curated notebooks in which they may write, learn, and revise their book learnings in addition to these reliable and very practical books.

  • Together with Computer Science Class 12 - Rachna Sagar
  • Computer Science with Python Class 12 - Sumita Arora
  • NCERT Computer Science Textbook For Class 12th
Candidates must also be aware of the class 11th syllabus, since questions may also be based on such areas. The actual syllabus is anticipated to follow the one given above. As soon as the NTA issues the test announcement, the CUET curriculum will be updated.

Does NCERT sufficient for the CUET exam?

Understanding the curriculum is crucial for the CUET. No matter the board one is registered with for class 12, it is important to be aware that the CUET test syllabus is based on NCERT.

What is a decent CUET score?

A person's CUET Exam percentile is 80 if they receive 640 out of 800. Candidates can apply for admission to several prestigious universities if they score at least 80 percentile. Additionally, a candidate has to have more than 500 if they wish to choose moderate institutions.

Can I give CUET more than once?

According to the sources, students who want to take the CUET test for UG admissions to Central Institutions and other universities in India will now have two chances to do so.

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