UPSSSC PET Cut Off 2022: The UPSSSC PET Exam 2022 has been successfully conducted on 15th and 16th October 2022.
Candidates who appeared for the exam must check
UPSSSC PET exam analysis and expected cut off.
The official UPSSSC PET cut off will be soon announced by the Commission on its official website after the release of UPSSSC PET result.
In the meanwhile candidates can check UPSSSC PET expected and previous year cut off.
Read this article to know all about UPSSSC PET cut off and other details. You can now clear the UPSSSC PET exam with the help of our
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Table of Content
- UPSSSC PET Cut-Off 2022
- UPSSSC PET Cut-Off 2021
- How to Check UPSSSC PET Cut-Off 2022
- Factors Affecting UPSSSC PET Cut-Off 2022
- How to Calculate Marks for UPSSSC PET 2022
The cut-off is the minimum mark that must be secured by a candidate in order to qualify for the exam.
All those candidates whose scores are not equal to or above the cut-off are considered disqualified for the exam and will not be allowed to appear for the Mains exam of various posts.
UPSSSC PET 2022 exam is being conducted on 15 and 16 October 2022.
UPSSSC PET cut-off 2022 will be released within a month of examination by the commission on its official website. Candidates who will appear for UPSSSC PET 2022 can check the details about the previous year's cut-offs and expected cut-offs for this year here.
UPSSSC PET cut-off usually is affected by factors such as the difficulty level of the paper, the number of candidates, total vacancies and so on.
The cut-off for candidates belonging to different categories will be announced on the official website of UPSSSC after the UPSSSC PET exam has been conducted.
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UPSSSC PET cut-off for the year 2021 was as mentioned below:

The official notice about UPSSSC PET Cut-Off 2021 will be released on the official website of UPSSSC.
Candidates have to follow the following steps in order to download and check UPSSSC PET Cut-Off 2021.
- Go to the official website of UPSSSC
- Click on Notifications/ Advertisements column
- Once you are redirected to a new page, click on UPSSSC PET Cutoff 2021 Pdf link on the webpage
- Download the PDF file for future reference
There are some important factors which decide or influence the cut-off for a particular year.
Some of these factors are as follows:
- Total Vacancies: More the vacancies, higher will be the cut-off.
Hence cut-off is directly related to the total vacancies.
- Number of Applicants: If the number of applicants is more, the cut-off is also high.
- Difficulty Level of The Paper: If the paper is more difficult as compared to the previous years then the cut-off will be low.
Similarly, if the question paper is relatively easy as compared to the previous years then the cut-off will be high.
- Maximum Marks Secured: The maximum marks secured in the exam by a candidate also influence the cut-off for that year.
- Previous-Year Cut-Offs: The trends in the previous year cut-offs also have an effect on the cut-off.
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After the exam has been conducted, UPSSSC will also release answer key for the exam.
Candidates can check their answers from the answer key and estimate their total score.
- The exam consists of a total of 100 questions.
- Each question carries 1 mark.
- For each incorrect answer 1/4th of the mark assigned to that question are deducted.
- No marks are given for an unattempted question.
- The total duration of the exam is 120 minutes.
Keeping these points in mind candidates can check their score for UPSSSC PET 2022.
How To Calculate Marks for UPSSSC PET 2022
After the exam has been conducted, UPSSSC will also release answer key for the exam. Candidates can check their answers from the answer key and estimate their total score.
- The exam consists of a total of 100 questions.
- Each question carries 1 mark.
- For each incorrect answer 1/4th of the mark assigned to that question are deducted.
- No marks are given for an unattempted question.
- The total duration of the exam is 120 minutes.
Keeping these points in mind candidates can check their score for UPSSSC PET 2022.
Yes, UPSSSC PET Cut off 2021 has been released.
You can check UPSSSC PET cut off by following the steps mentioned above.