Top 10 Tips for Running a Successful Social Media Contest to Promote small Business like crazy

Safalta Expert Published by: Aditi Goyal Updated Thu, 06 Apr 2023 06:47 PM IST

You want to get people talking about your company. Social media sites have the potential to expand your business and help you connect with new customers. And social media competitions for small businesses increase demand by igniting interest in your brand, boosting the frequency with which people talk about you, and encouraging them to share your material.

A social media contest is undoubtedly among the most tried-and-true strategies available to marketers for generating engagement for their brands. Consider it this way: contests take use of your audience's innate need for competition and a compelling offer or simply the opportunity to be prominently highlighted by your company to create an even more online presence.

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Let us now see why is Social Media Contest important:

The digital marketing era wouldn't be complete without social media. Most people have some kind of social media account. We use social media extensively for businesses, which is much more significant. Because it gives you the chance to reach millions of potential clients, social media is a crucial marketing medium. The challenge is getting in touch with them. Strong competition can have an impact on this situation.

Social media is very conducive to involvement. You have a far higher chance of having your event go viral because of how simple it is to share content on these networks. Social media competitions let you engage with your audience and expand it. People also enjoy seeing businesses reward their devoted customers.

Let's discuss how to host a social media contest now that you are aware of the benefits you can obtain from doing so. No matter which social media platform you decide to use for your competition, stick to these guidelines to conduct a fantastic contest:

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1. Set Clear Goals
Having set goals such as increasing brand awareness, Generating leads/sales, Increasing community engagement, Growing the brand’s audience, or Ramping up web traffic, will help you form a better picture of what your Social Media Contest is going to contain. More than one objective is possible. It's time to choose your objectives after deciding on your goal or goals. 

2. Choose a Social Media Platform
Let's assume that you have chosen your goals. Next, choose your social networking platform. The social media interests of your target audience should guide your decision on the social media platform. Imagine your objective is to increase awareness of the company among millennials or Generation Z. Instagram is definitely your best option.

But how precisely can you find out which social media platforms your target audience prefers? The importance of social listening comes in, in addition to tracking your brand mentions and hashtags connected to your business, keep an eye on your level of interactivity and reach on each social media channel to find the ideal social platform to reach your clients. You should also be aware of the unique advantages offered by each social media network.

3. Define your target audience
Determine your target audience and tailor the contest to appeal to them. For example, if you're targeting young adults, consider a contest that involves creating user-generated content. This will help your business gain more attention as well as draw more awareness toward your business.

4. Choose Your Giveaway Items
The choice of awards is essential to the achievement of social media competitions. The prizes must be worthwhile for participants to take the contest sincerely, but not so costly that you don't get a return on your investment (ROI). Make sure the award has anything to do with your company as well. Always keep in mind who your target market is.

5. Keep it simple
Make it easy for people to participate in the contest by keeping the entry process simple and straightforward. Avoid complicated rules or requirements that may discourage people from participating.
6. Set the contest's rules.
Your campaign goal should determine the rules of your contest. For instance, you may offer people to follow your account in exchange for a chance to win a reward if you want to increase the brand's audience. Asking customers to share their experiences with your product on social media will improve community involvement while expanding the reach of your brand.

7. Create a hashtag
Create a unique hashtag for your contest and encourage participants to use it in their posts. This can help increase visibility and engagement around your contest.

8. Publicize your social media competition
Upon that platform where you intend to run the contest, advertise your social media giveaway. Either you can pay to market your social media contest or you can let it spread naturally. You need to draw readers' attention with the copy you create. Also, use pertinent hashtags to improve your chances of being found and create your own to keep track of submissions. For instance, to boost the visibility of your contest, make it mandatory for participants to post your content on their social media pages.

9. Follow the contest and declare the winner (s)
As soon as your contest is operational, start keeping track of engagement. You can advertise the event using the knowledge you've gathered from tracking your contest. You could, for instance, execute retargeting campaigns for anyone who visited the contest landing page. Instead, you might undertake a paid advertising campaign using the knowledge you obtained about the demographics of your customers.

Declare the winner after you have one. Post the winner's name on the website where the contest was run. You can also email contest participants who are on your mailing list. Don't forget to thank them for participating in the tournament while you have the chance!

10. Analyze the results of UGC
After you've declared the winner of your social media contest, your work is not done. To find out what succeeded and what didn't, whether the cost was reasonable, and what to include in your next contest, you must analyze the outcomes of the social media contest.

Track participation, followers, conversions, and reach. You should also leverage the content produced by this contest to advertise upcoming marketing initiatives and competitions. You'll attract even more participants the following time around if you demonstrate to social media users how enthusiastic your fans were to enter your contest. Overall, a successful social media contest can help small businesses to increase brand awareness, engagement rates, and overall reach on social media. By following these top 10 tips, businesses can create a memorable and effective contest that resonates with their target audience and promotes their brand.

What kind of contest should I run?

The type of contest you run should align with your goals and target audience. Some popular types of contests include photo or video contests, user-generated content contests, sweepstakes, and trivia or quiz contests.

How do I choose the right platform for my contest?

Consider your target audience and the social media platforms they use most often. For example, if you're targeting a younger demographic, Instagram or TikTok may be more effective than Facebook or LinkedIn.

How do I promote my contest?

Use your social media channels, email newsletters, and other marketing channels to promote your contest. Consider partnering with influencers or running ads to reach a wider audience.

How long should the contest run?

The length of your contest should depend on your goals and the complexity of the contest. Generally, contests that run for 2-4 weeks tend to be effective.

How do I engage with participants?

Engage with participants throughout the contest by responding to comments, reposting user-generated content, and sharing updates about the contest. This can help build a relationship with your audience and create a sense of community.

What should I do after the contest is over?

Follow up with the participants to thank them for their participation and keep them engaged with your brand. Consider offering a discount or special promotion to encourage them to continue engaging with your business.

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