Digital Marketing Courses in Coursera: Fees, Learning Outcomes, Opportunities and more

Safalta expert Published by: Ishika Jain Updated Wed, 29 Mar 2023 06:27 PM IST


Courses in Digital Marketing Students from all across the world enroll in Coursera courses because they are so well-liked. There are 101 digital marketing courses available on Coursera, with varying levels and lengths, and assist the students in finishing the course at their own speed and convenience.

Digital Marketing Students from all over the world enroll in Coursera courses since they are very much liked and popular among people.  There are 101 digital marketing courses available on Coursera varying levels and lengths and these courses assist the students in finishing the course at their speed and convenience. Students can enroll themselves for free on Coursera's official website to study Digital Marketing courses there and it is considered one of the greatest among all the leading online platforms offering digital marketing courses. Students that sign up for digital marketing courses on Coursera are taught by instructors or professors from reputable colleges. Different modules are taught by instructors from the Universities of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, North Texas, and London.

Digital marketing courses offered by Coursera are self-paced and range in length from under two hours to a full year. Digital marketing, Facebook social media marketing, Google Adds for beginners, search engine optimization, and many other courses are among the most popular Coursera digital marketing courses. It is considered the easiest learning platform which only requires a website sign-up and it also offers online Marketing Specializations delivered by subject-matter specialists It is considered a  good platform, especially considering that the Times of India group sponsors it. It is a highly thorough course with sections on Put to Practice that helps with understanding and good industrial examples.

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Table of Content:
Introduction to Social Media Marketing
Facebook Social Media Marketing
Google Data Analytics
Overview of Digital Marketing
Program for New Business Development
Digital Marketing
Facebook Marketing Analytics
Using Canva, create a business marketing brand kit

Introduction to Social Media Marketing
The principles of social media marketing are focussed on in this course and tend to cover more about social media marketing, along with its background and the many social media platforms that are out there. It provides knowledge regarding how to identify your target market, create objectives and success indicators, and select the best social media platform for company needs. This course will assist you in establishing a strong foundation for social media marketing and developing useful skills enabling people to increase the success and visibility of their social media marketing initiatives.

Course Details
Duration: 15 hours
Level: Novice
Costs: None

Learning Outcome
  • Understand the variations between social media, digital, and conventional marketing.
  • Discover the major social media platforms' functions and how they relate to marketing.
  • Establish SMART objectives, choose KPIs, and describe the target audience and the customer journey.
  • Choose the right social media platforms and learn how to create a social media policy.
             Download ebooks to gain extensive knowledge about in-demand skills.

Facebook Social Media Marketing
The knowledge is provided in areas such as how to establish an online presence, publish content, build a following, and manage social media accounts after receiving an introduction to digital marketing and the main social media platforms. Moreover, people are taught how to organize social media marketing programs, manage them, and evaluate their effectiveness. They provide both the Coursera and the Facebook Digital Marketing Associate Certification after completing the program, thus proving their familiarity with social media marketing and the use of Facebook Ads Manager.

Course Details
Duration: seven months
Level: Novice
Payment: Free 

Learning Outcome
  • It helps in developing and assessing an effective advertising campaign for the target audience.
  • Create a creative brief with the materials for the paid advertisement included.
  • It provides an opportunity to create, change, and troubleshoot advertising with Facebook Advertising Manager.
  • Establish and maintain a presence on social media.
Google Data Analytics
Data analytics is the process of gathering, transforming, and organizing data to create projections, form conclusions, and encourage rational decision-making. Throughout eight courses, it provides in-demand skills that will position people for entry-level positions. Workingrking only ten hours a week helps in finishing the credential in less than six months.

Course Details
Duration: 6 months
Level: Beginner
Fees: Free

Learning Outcome
  • Helps in obtaining a practical grasp of the methods and techniques used daily by a junior or associate data analyst.
  • Learn essential analytical techniques such as data preparation, analysis, visualization, etc.
  • Learn how to prepare data for analysis by cleaning and organizing it, as well as how to use spreadsheets, SQL, and R programming to conduct analysis and do calculations.
  • Learn how to show and communicate data insights using dashboards, presentations, and popular visualization platforms.
Overview of Digital Marketing
The focus on business on digital strategies like search engines and social media is increasing day by day, even though the fact that traditional marketing techniques are being used. These technologies consider the customer's journey as well as the way they choose to make purchases. Understanding digital marketing tactics and becoming familiar with the key technology that supports them is crucial for marketers and this course gives students a thorough introduction to digital marketing and insights into the key strategies for using web-based platforms. It also emphasized emphasis on content that appeals to consumers and helps businesses stand out in crowded industries.

Course Details
Duration: 9 hours
Level: Beginner
Fees: Free

Learning Outcome
  • Create SEO key phrases.
  • Engage the audience more on social media.
  • Explain the importance of Review Management Storytelling and its significance.
Program for New Business Development
This program provides an opportunity to get the expertise required to plan and launch your own business. It requires following a path that involves creating a business concept and testing it on actual customers, creating a working business model, and creating and presenting the crucial financial data that every entrepreneur needs to use while speaking with partners, funders, and investors.

Course Details
Duration: 5 months
Level: Beginner
Fees: Free

Learning Outcome
  • Learn how to establish and validate the pieces which are required to make an entrepreneurial idea a reality to make well-informed decisions.
  • Create an entrepreneurial path making it easier for the important entrepreneurial process steps of discovering, creating, projecting, and growing.
Digital Marketing
People can utilize their skills on a real-world capstone project made in cooperation with Grainger after completing the courses. They are the 13th-placed company in the Internet Retailer 2015 Top 500 Guide and a global B2B supplier of maintenance, repair, and organization products. This Specialization tends to teach a variety of elements of the modern digital marketing environment such as digital marketing analytics, optimization for search engines social media marketing, & 3D printing. It helps in having a  deeper understanding of the underlying principles of the new digital marketing environment as well as a new set of stories, concepts, and tools to assist you in producing, distributing, promoting, and pricing goods and services digitally.

Course Details
Duration: 8 Months
Level: Beginner
Fees: Free

Learning Outcome
  • Discover the driving forces behind the data gathering and analysis techniques employed by marketing professionals.
  • Understand the theories and techniques for analyzing consumer digital behavior.
  • Discover how to evaluate and choose the appropriate web analytics methods and tools.
  • Learn about the specific measuring challenges and opportunities that New Media pose.
Facebook Marketing Analytics
Anyone willing to obtain in-demand technical skills to start a career as a marketing analyst or enhance their business analysis could opt for one of the six courses in this Professional Certificate program where no prior knowledge is necessary. It is a curriculum that is industry-relevant and prepares people for careers like marketing analyst and market researcher which was developed in collaboration between Aptly's marketing analytics professionals and Facebook marketers.

It also provides knowledge regarding how to utilize Tableau visualize data and Facebook Advertisements Manager to create ads, evaluate the results, and run tests to optimize your campaigns. It also provides a chance to practice the newly acquired skills through practical, business-related tasks.

Course Details
Duration: 6 Months
Level: Beginner
Fees: Free

Learning Outcome
  • Data about marketing should be gathered, organized, assessed, and visualized.
  • marketing analytics approaches should be utilized to summarise and analyze the data.
  • To ascertain the efficiency of advertising, design experiments and test your hypotheses.
  • Utilize Facebook Ads Manager to evaluate results and test the effectiveness of ads.
Students willing to pursue this specialization will learn how to define and build an audience using social media, search engine marketing, and website optimization, as well as the always-evolving platforms and channels of digital marketing research done in the areas of mobile-first marketing, microsites, and the process of evaluating and analyzing conversion utilizing analytical tools. It prepares to review and put into practice the best digital strategies for company marketing goals.

Course Details
Duration: 3 months
Level: Beginner
Fees: Free

Learning Outcome
  • Recognize the modern digital business landscape and create strategies for identifying, luring, and engaging the online audience.
  • Make a digital marketing strategy assisting in achieving your aims and targets for any new or current venture, good, or service.
  • Enhance your advertising strategies and business outcomes by using testing and analytics.
  • Based on the target population's demographics, create an audience persona.
                                  Boost your skills by learning:
                                           Digital Marketing

Using Canva, create a business marketing brand kit
In this people will get an opportunity to develop a script, create a promotional movie based on it, and make the film entertaining by using video backgrounds, graphics, or animations in this one-hour project-based course. After completing this course, people tend to feel comfortable using Canva to make a polished promotional video that they can use to sell on social media platforms.

Course Details
Duration: 1.5 hours\
Level: Beginner
Fees: Free

Learning Outcomes
  • Marketing
  • Screenwriting
  • Advertisement video
  • Canva
  • Video production
Courses in Digital Marketing Students from all across the world enroll in Coursera courses because they are so well-liked. There are 101 digital marketing courses available on Coursera, with varying levels and lengths, and assist the students in finishing the course at their own speed and convenience.

What are the results of the course in digital marketing?

Candidates who take a course in digital marketing will learn about the key elements of that strategy's impact on corporate goals and also learn how to define goals, communicate clearly, and monitor KPIs.

What advantages can digital marketing certifications offer?

A certificate in digital marketing serves as evidence that you finished a course and acquired useful abilities within the allotted time. Employers all over the world take into account applicants who make an extra effort to learn a skill. Your employability and skill levels will both increase as a result of earning a certificate in digital marketing.

Are Certifications from Coursera Worth It? 

The effort is certainly worth it to earn a Coursera certificate. Highly regarded industry credentials created by Coursera in collaboration with some of the top institutions worldwide.

What do marketing outcomes entail?

The more specific metrics that make up a marketing effort are results. It frequently takes context and explanation to understand their significance. Focusing on results frequently entails adopting a variety of strategies to accomplish a pressing objective. The more significant advancements that characterize your company's success are called outcomes.

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