Girls perform better than boys in CBSE Class 10 Board Exams
This year, girls have surpassed boys by 1.98 percent. The pass percentage for girls is 94.25 percent, whereas the pass percentage for boys is 92.27 percent.
05:01 PM, 12-May-2023
Nearly 2 lakh students score above 90% and 44 thousand above 95%
This year 1,95,799 students receive above-90% scores. Similarly, 44,297 students across India scored above 95% marks.
05:00 PM, 12-May-2023
CBSE Class 10th Result 2023, 93.12% students pass exams
The pass percentage for CBSE Class 10th Board Exam is 93.12% which is better than the pass percentage of 91.10% in 2019, the last pre-Covid board exam.
05:00 PM, 12-May-2023
CBSE Class 10th Result 2023 Declared
The CBSE Class 10th board result 2023 has been declared today, May 12. Candidates can check CBSE board result 2023 on the official website of CBSE.
12:07 PM, 12-May-2023
CBSE 12th Result 2023: 16.96 lakh students appeared
As per the central board, 16,96,349 students appeared for the CBSE Board Exams. All the students who appeared for the exam can check their results now CBSE Class 12th Result 2023 declared.
12:06 PM, 12-May-2023
CBSE Class 12th Result 2023: No Merit List
CBSE has shared that there will be no merit list this year. The board will be issuing certificates to the 0.1 percent merit students. No division would be made during 1st 2nd and 3rd.
12:05 PM, 12-May-2023
CBSE 12th Result 2023: 22,622 Students Score Over 95%
As per the official press release issued by CBSE, 22,622 Students Score Over 95% in CBSE Class 12 Results. Check your CBSE results now here.
12:04 PM, 12-May-2023
CBSE 10th Result 2023 to Be Declared Shortly
CBSE Class 10 Result 2023 date and time will be announced shortly. Students should keep checking the official website of CBSE for latest updates.
12:02 PM, 12-May-2023
CBSE 12th Result 2023: 87.33% Students Passed
As per the official notice, the overall pass percentage for CBSE Class 12th Exams is 87.33%. Results can be checked on the official website and
12:02 PM, 12-May-2023
CBSE 12th Result 2023 Declared
CBSE Results 2023 have been declared for Class 12th ! The CBSE 12th Result 2023 link has been activated on The results have also been made available on the official website, and the UMANG App.
11:59 AM, 12-May-2023
CBSE Class 10th 12th Results 2023 Live Updates, CBSE Class 12 Result Out, Class 10 Result to Be Declared Today
The declaration of the CBSE 10th Result 2023 is expected to happen shortly, possibly today, on May 12, 2023. Once announced, the official websites and will provide access to the results for approximately 22 lakh students.
Sarkari Naukari, Sarkari Result Live Updates 2022: राजस्थान में लैब असिस्टेंट और बिहार में पटना हाई कोर्ट कंप्यूटर ऑपरेटर के पदों पर चल रही है आवेदन प्रक्रिया, जाने अधिक जानकारियां
Sarkari Naukari, Sarkari Result Live Updates 2022: स्टेनोग्राफर और हेड मास्टर के सैकड़ों पदों पर बिहार में चल रही है भर्ती, आप भी करें अभी ऑनलाइन आवेदन