5 Key SEO Reports to Measure Organic Growth

Safalta Published by: Ishika Kumar Updated Mon, 03 Apr 2023 02:52 PM IST


If you wanna know about 5 key SEO reports measuring organic growth, then read this article for more details.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a concept that has been around for less than two decades, but it has resulted in a massive surge of jobs for marketers and men and women from practically every industry. There are over 1 billion websites on the internet now, and each one must compete for attention in Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other lesser-known search engines. After all, SEO is still the king of organic and content discovery.
Actionable data is one of the reporting's best features when it comes to organic search. Instead of just glancing at the figures and continuing with our business, we may use the data to guide future decisions.
Are your previously high-ranking pages, for instance, steadily declining over time? You can choose whether or not to devote resources to those assets. Can you identify the cause of your soaring traffic so you can increase that engagement on your other pages?

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See How Your Website Is Doing With These SEO Reports

 The following reports will assist you in creating a summary of your website's activity so you can track the progress of the organic search and make adjustments as necessary.

SEO Report #1: Rankings

Typically, organic rankings will be the topic of the first inquiry from many executive teams. Are we on page 1 or are we several pages away from that in terms of rank? Have we gotten any better over time?
The good news is that you can use a tool to see which pages are showing up for particular keywords. Its name is Google Search Console or GSC, and it provides significant performance data.

SEO Report #2: Traffic

The next query that SEOs frequently field is one regarding traffic. How much and if any traffic are we receiving to this page?
You may gauge traffic with the same report since the above reporting also displays "Total clicks." Once more, you can change the time frame to fit your needs or the needs of the people to whom you are providing the information.

SEO Report #3: Sessions

Sessions, a crucial SEO statistic, let you know how many different people have visited your website. Regardless of how many pages they visited, it indicates that only one user visited the website. When we discuss "organic sessions," we are referring to individuals who accessed the website through organic search.
You can create a report based on data from either Google Analytics (GA) or Google Search Console (GSC) using Google's Data Studio to view Sessions. You have the choice to alter how your report looks since Data Studio incorporates data from these other tools.
If you wish to display performance over a specific time period, Data Studio, like GSC, lets you change the date range. Additionally, it provides percentage changes, which you can use to monitor the growth of organic search and determine whether things have improved or declined.

SEO Report #4: Time on Page

Your team will probably want to know how much time visitors are spending on those pages once you can present rankings, traffic, and session data.
This is also easily demonstrable in Data Studio. In fact, if you look at the report above, you'll also notice that we've included the "Avg. Session Duration," which is equivalent to the typical duration of a session.
Although this information isn't as exact as to how long people spend on a given page, you can always check your GA reporting to get it.

SEO Report #5: Bounce Rate

You might now wish to learn more about your pages' bounce rates. The percentage of visitors who leave your website without taking any action is indicated by the bounce rate. Actions include things like watching a video, clicking a link, and completing a form.
For instance, you can have a high bounce rate if you are receiving good traffic to the website but few transactions. You can use this information to guide your next actions, such as A/B testing or reevaluating your on-page SEO plan.
You may utilize the same report in GA that we mentioned earlier to view bounce rate information. One of the metrics is "Bounce Rate," as you can see.

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  Companies require search optimization to compete in most niches, therefore SEO practitioners are in high demand.

Will SEO exist in 5 years?

Because social media and search engines are likely to converge in the next five years, SEO will not be phased out. Facebook has already taken steps in this direction, with over 1.5 billion searches every day on average. Twitter has followed suit, forming a relationship with Google.

Does SEO have a future?

According to Neil Patel, the future of SEO is to build a brand. If you provide exceptional value to your followers, your brand will expand and you will quickly rank higher in search engine rankings. When you're well-known as a brand, it's much easier to get links and increase your SEO and Google rankings.

Does SEO require coding?

No, SEO doesn't usually necessitate much (or any) coding. You can do an excellent job of SEO without touching any code. However, the broader answer is that knowing how programming works, or even being able to perform some coding yourself, is always a beneficial talent.

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